ILRT - Instrumentation Log Report Tool for IBM BPM

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ILRT - What Is It?

ILRT (Instrumentation Log Report Tool) is a utility I created to help detect and diagnose performance bottlenecks of IBM WebSphere Lombardi Edition / IBM BPM, primarily in the Lombardi (BPMN processes) runtime. Lombardi process runtime has embedded instrumentation capabilities, and can record detailed system profile of every process or service activity. It is somehow described here. Оutput of NonXMLDump utility provided by IBM is a human-readable but in fact is a big and raw instrumentation log which is very difficult to read and analyze by hand. ILRT parse such raw text instrumentation log and then produce report with statistical information and detailed aggregate profile of top expensive activities in a much more readable form.

Example of such report output can be viewed here.

This is very first version created to address some common problems, so it was written quick using Ruby language. It is very helpful, works well, but not as fast as we would like.


For Windows systems you can download and install Ruby interpreter from here -

How to Run

First you should create plain text instrumentation log from binary log with IBM provided utility. Note that default values for dumpIfOver and truncateIfOver are 10000 and 20000, so if your activities has more than 10k periods, such activities will be splitted and truncated. For logs with big and expensive activities I use much more bigger values here, so nothing will be truncated.

  $ NonXMLDump inst001.dat -dumpIfOver 10000000 -truncateIfOver 10000000 > inst001.txt

Java version. You must set value for maximum heap with -Xmx option proportionally to instrumentation log size:

  $ java -Xmx2048m -jar ilrt.jar -f inst001.txt -p

Ruby version:

  $ ./ilrt.rb -f inst001.txt -p

After processing is completed report will be written to the {BASENAME}.report.txt file, in this case

Command-line options

Usage: ilrt [options]
    -f, --file PATH          IBM BPM Instrumentation Log File (txt format)
    -t, --top COUNT          Number of Expensive Activities to print, default = 10
    -p, --prof               Print Expensive Activities detailed profile
    -l, --level N            Expensive Activities detailed profile maximum depth level
    -s, --self               Print top self periods
    -d, --dump               Dump each Expensive Activity raw log to separate file
    -r, --rescan             Do not use cached index and forcibly rescan instrumentation log file
    -h, --help               Print help

How to read report

There is no guarantee that by looking at the ILRT report or raw instrumentation log you'll understand what's going on. This information is intended for professional consultants and performance engineers that deeply knows internal architecture of Lombardi process engine. It is not publicly documented by IBM. Here I will try to shed light on some traits of internal Lombardi architecture and how to read ILRT report.

First report section displays overall aggregate statistics about key system transactions occured during instrumentation session. TPS stands for Transactions-Per-Second, it will help to measure workload degree.

==> System transactions summary: Key performance points

| Transaction name                                 | Count        | Average (ms) | Median (ms)  | Max (ms)     | Total (ms)   | TPS          |
| Task: Resume Workflow Engine                     | 2224         | 817          | 24           | 45873        | 1816709      | 5.735        |
| Task: Load Execution Context                     | 108          | 297          | 302          | 784          | 32036        | 0.278        |
| Task: Save Execution Context                     | 1671         | 26           | 2            | 903          | 43408        | 4.309        |
| BPD: Load Execution Context                      | 252          | 10           | 10           | 38           | 2609         | 0.650        |
| BPD: Save Execution Context                      | 349          | 15           | 14           | 191          | 5195         | 0.900        |
| PersistenceServices (DB Access)                  | 555585       | 3            | 2            | 439          | 1577196      | 1432.640     |
|     - findByPrimaryKey                           | 547866       | 3            | 2            | 439          | 1552106      | 1412.736     |
|     - bulkFindByPrimaryKey                       | 16           | 4            | 4            | 17           | 71           | 0.041        |
|     - findByFilter                               | 5935         | 3            | 2            | 150          | 16325        | 15.304       |
|     - save                                       | 1758         | 5            | 2            | 191          | 8587         | 4.533        |
| Do Job (Service Step Workers)                    | 25492        | 69           | 1            | 32142        | 1747897      | 65.734       |
|     - ScriptWorker                               | 5947         | 200          | 5            | 32142        | 1189952      | 15.335       |
|     - SwitchWorker                               | 1398         | 22           | 0            | 359          | 31413        | 3.605        |
|     - CoachWorker                                | -            | -            | -            | -            | -            | -            |
|     - CoachNGWorker                              | 87           | 1571         | 545          | 19025        | 136714       | 0.224        |
|     - SubProcessWorker                           | 9316         | 20           | 1            | 421          | 184005       | 24.022       |
|     - ExitPointWorker                            | 6850         | 16           | 0            | 408          | 107200       | 17.664       |
|     - JavaConnectorWorker                        | 1873         | 52           | 7            | 2622         | 98157        | 4.830        |
|     - WSConnectorWorker                          | -            | -            | -            | -            | -            | -            |
|     - SCAConnectorWorker                         | -            | -            | -            | -            | -            | -            |
|     - ILOGDecisionWorker                         | -            | -            | -            | -            | -            | -            |
| Eval Script                                      | 5937         | 174          | 1            | 32142        | 1031288      | 15.309       |

Persistent Objects are divided into two different categories:

For improving performance, PersistenceServices usually not directly accessed from process engine. Instead for each PO type exists its own Factory, and within each PO Factory there are FIFO cache for POs. Size of this cache is set by config parameters default-versioned-po-cache-size and default-unversioned-po-cache-size. Note that in cluster topologies for cached 'mutable' objects is reqiured to ensure cache coherence. Unfortunately its not so simple. So for cluster topologies it is typically required to disable Unversioned PO cache using config parameter unversioned-po-caching-enable as described in IBM provided configuration. But nowadays IBM LODA consultants say that in latest BPM versions >= 8.x implemented asynchronous distributed notification via JMS events to ensure cache coherence. So it is allowed to leave Unversioned PO cache enabled in cluster.

Overall process engine performance strongly depends upon effective PO cache. To control cache efficiency ILRT report provides relevant section:

==> Cache Statistics: Summary by persistent object type

| Object type                      | Cache Misses     | Cache Bypasses   | Cache Hits       |
| TWClass                          | 177780           | 0                | 2341010          |
| Participant                      | 0                | 0                | 243              |
| BPD                              | 0                | 6                | 111067           |
| Epv                              | 0                | 0                | 2935             |
| EnvironmentVariable              | 0                | 0                | 1766             |
| BpdEvent                         | 0                | 0                | 108              |
| TWProcess                        | 0                | 1285             | 437424           |
| ResourceBundleGroup              | 0                | 0                | 2378             |
| UserAttributeDefinition          | 0                | 0                | 184              |
| UCA                              | 0                | 0                | 56               |
| SLA                              | 0                | 0                | 1                |
| Metric                           | 0                | 0                | 1                |
| - Total -                        | 177780           | 1291             | 2897173          |
| Wasting DB, transactions/sec     | 461.755                                                |

In this case we see an inefficient TWClass cache which leads to an excessive load on the database in the amount of 461 TPS.

Next report section shows top expensive activities occured during instrumentation session.

==> Top 5 Expensive Activities: Overview for WebContainer

| Duration (ms)    | Thread Name                      | ActivityID   | L1 Periods   | L1 Time (ms) | L2 Periods   | L2 Time (ms) |
| 26877            | WebContainer : 30                | 18184311     | 1            | 26877        | 101          | 26869        |
| 24039            | WebContainer : 35                | 15586323     | 29           | 23526        | 314          | 23497        |
| 23500            | WebContainer : 30                | 21577349     | 6            | 22281        | 71           | 22271        |
| 22831            | WebContainer : 26                | 14552496     | 8            | 21636        | 271          | 21611        |
| 20909            | WebContainer : 6                 | 12710752     | 42           | 19795        | 312          | 19742        |

==> Top 5 Expensive Activities: Overview for ThreadPool worker

| Duration (ms)    | Thread Name                      | ActivityID   | L1 Periods   | L1 Time (ms) | L2 Periods   | L2 Time (ms) |
| 45892            | ThreadPool worker thread #6      | 15312360     | 1            | 45892        | 3            | 45890        |
| 45812            | ThreadPool worker thread #12     | 16723902     | 1            | 45812        | 3            | 45811        |
| 43923            | ThreadPool worker thread #0      | 11839121     | 1            | 43923        | 3            | 43922        |
| 40625            | ThreadPool worker thread #6      | 8351079      | 1            | 40625        | 3            | 40624        |
| 40324            | ThreadPool worker thread #4      | 10112586     | 1            | 40324        | 3            | 40323        |

They divided on two groups for different thread pools:

Time periods are recorded in the hierarchical way. Each period can have one or more child periods, as transaction can call multiple other triansactions within itself. So hereinafter L1, L2 and so on stands for period depth level. ActivityID is simply a line number in source instrumentation log file, which is intended to identify and find specific activity.

Further in report are presented detailed profiles for each expensive activity. Profiles are presented in two forms.
First is summary table with period breakdown separately for each depth level:

| 22831 ms     | ActivityID = 14552496, Thread Name = WebContainer : 26                                                                                   |
| L1 periods breakdown, total recorded duration = 21636 ms                                                                                                |
| Total    | Average  | Median   | Max      | Count    | Details                                                                                          |
| 21627    | 21627    | 21627    | 21627    | 1        | Resume Workflow Engine                                                                           |
| 5        | 5        | 5        | 5        | 1        | EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByFilter                                           |
| 2        | 2        | 2        | 2        | 1        | EJB Calls, Method=SecurityCore.getUserAttributes                                                 |
| 2        | 2        | 2        | 2        | 1        | EJB Calls, Method=TaskCore.getCurrentCollaboratingTaskList                                       |
| 0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 3        | EJB Calls, Method=CommonServicesCore.getCurrentUserId                                            |
| 0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 1        | EJB Calls, Method=UserGroupAPIFacadeCore.findUserByName                                          |
| L2 periods breakdown, total recorded duration = 21611 ms                                                                                                |
| Total    | Average  | Median   | Max      | Count    | Details                                                                                          |
| 10320    | 240      | 217      | 1609     | 43       | Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.twscript.worker.ScriptWorker                       |
| 4433     | 63       | 13       | 261      | 70       | Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.subprocess.worker.SubProcessWorker                 |
| 3258     | 93       | 103      | 269      | 35       | Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.exitpoint.worker.ExitPointWorker                   |
| 1482     | 78       | 77       | 128      | 19       | Save Execution Context                                                                           |
| 704      | 88       | 6        | 600      | 8        | Transaction                                                                                      |
| 573      | 27       | 0        | 239      | 21       | Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.twswitch.worker.SwitchWorker                       |
| 487      | 487      | 487      | 487      | 1        | Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.coachng.worker.CoachNGWorker                       |
| 162      | 3        | 3        | 9        | 50       | EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByPrimaryKey                                       |
| 162      | 23       | 1        | 70       | 7        | Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.javaconnector.worker.JavaConnectorWorker           |
| 13       | 4        | 4        | 6        | 3        | Load Task                                                                                        |
| 10       | 5        | 5        | 6        | 2        | EJB Calls, Method=TaskCore.getCurrentCollaboratingUserList                                       |
| 5        | 5        | 5        | 5        | 1        | findByFilter, type=ManagedAsset                                                                  |
| 2        | 2        | 2        | 2        | 1        | EJB Calls, Method=EnvironmentServicesCore.isRepository                                           |
| 0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 3        | Method Calls, Call=getIdFromPrincipalName                                                        |
| 0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 2        | Lookups, Cache=UserInfoCache                                                                     |
| 0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 2        | Lookups, Cache=GroupInfoCache                                                                    |
| 0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 1        | Method Calls, Call=getCurrentUsername                                                            |
| 0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 1        | EJB Calls, Method=SecurityCore.getUserInformation                                                |
| 0        | 0        | 0        | 0        | 1        | Lookups, Cache=GroupMembers                                                                      |
| L3 periods breakdown, total recorded duration = 18786 ms                                                                                                |
| Total    | Average  | Median   | Max      | Count    | Details                                                                                          |
| 11189    | 5        | 4        | 141      | 2137     | EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByPrimaryKey                                       |
| 6473     | 151      | 3        | 1494     | 43       | Eval Script                                                                                      |
| 598      | 598      | 598      | 598      | 1        | Load Execution Context                                                                           |
| 160      | 23       | 1        | 70       | 7        | Java Execution                                                                                   |
| 64       | 3        | 3        | 13       | 20       | EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByFilter                                           |
| 62       | 62       | 62       | 62       | 1        | Save Execution Context                                                                           |

Here we can see which periods took place on the root L1 level of activity, in this case they took 21636 ms in sum. These L1 transactoons calls other transactions inside, they are summarized in L2 periods breakdown and took 21611 ms in sum, and so on.
Looking at this profile what we can say?

Second is detailed activity profile formatted as hierarchical tree:

21627 ms - Resume Workflow Engine [cnt=1,med=21627ms,max=21627ms]
|    10320 ms - Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.twscript.worker.ScriptWorker [cnt=43,med=217ms,max=1609ms]
|    |    6473 ms - Eval Script [cnt=43,med=3ms,max=1494ms]
|    |    |    2671 ms - EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByPrimaryKey [cnt=594,med=3ms,max=17ms]
|    |    |    2231 ms - Resume Workflow Engine [cnt=22,med=102ms,max=154ms]
|    |    |    1462 ms - #self# [cnt=287,med=1ms,max=565ms]
|    |    |    79 ms - EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByFilter [cnt=21,med=3ms,max=7ms]
|    |    |    12 ms - Deserialize object [cnt=26,med=0ms,max=2ms]
|    |    |    10 ms - Serialize object [cnt=26,med=0ms,max=1ms]
|    |    |    3 ms - EJB Calls, Method=ClientServicesCore.getServerTime [cnt=23,med=0ms,max=1ms]
|    |    |    2 ms - EJB Calls, Method=SecurityCore.getCurrentUserName [cnt=22,med=0ms,max=1ms]
|    |    |    2 ms - Method Calls, Call=getIdFromPrincipalName [cnt=44,med=0ms,max=1ms]
|    |    |    1 ms - Lookups, Cache=UserInfoCache [cnt=44,med=0ms,max=1ms]
|    |    |    0 ms - Method Calls, Call=getCurrentUsername [cnt=22,med=0ms,max=0ms]
|    |    3614 ms - EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByPrimaryKey [cnt=700,med=4ms,max=90ms]
|    |    |    1743 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=060e0e85-fb36-42d5-aa4a-ea3bcde680be type=Snapshot [cnt=159,med=10ms,max=90ms]
|    |    |    1516 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=2276 type=BPDInstance [cnt=446,med=3ms,max=23ms]
|    |    |    224 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=17098 type=Task [cnt=64,med=3ms,max=13ms]
|    |    |    101 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=54590053-611e-404e-a0c1-bf285d9b6ccb type=Project [cnt=31,med=3ms,max=8ms]
|    |    |    30 ms - #self# [cnt=26,med=1ms,max=4ms]
|    |    231 ms - #self# [cnt=216,med=1ms,max=4ms]
|    |    2 ms - Get Compiled Script [cnt=43,med=0ms,max=1ms]
|    4433 ms - Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.subprocess.worker.SubProcessWorker [cnt=70,med=13ms,max=261ms]
|    |    4068 ms - EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByPrimaryKey [cnt=750,med=4ms,max=141ms]
|    |    |    1997 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=060e0e85-fb36-42d5-aa4a-ea3bcde680be type=Snapshot [cnt=170,med=11ms,max=141ms]
|    |    |    1685 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=2276 type=BPDInstance [cnt=478,med=3ms,max=16ms]
|    |    |    231 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=17098 type=Task [cnt=68,med=3ms,max=11ms]
|    |    |    131 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=54590053-611e-404e-a0c1-bf285d9b6ccb type=Project [cnt=34,med=4ms,max=8ms]
|    |    |    24 ms - #self# [cnt=24,med=1ms,max=1ms]
|    |    282 ms - #self# [cnt=247,med=1ms,max=6ms]
|    |    58 ms - EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByFilter [cnt=18,med=3ms,max=13ms]
|    |    |    57 ms - findByFilter, type=EpvVarValue [cnt=18,med=3ms,max=13ms]
|    |    |    1 ms - #self# [cnt=1,med=1ms,max=1ms]
|    |    20 ms - EJB Calls, Method=EnvironmentServicesCore.getVariableValue [cnt=6,med=3ms,max=5ms]
|    |    |    18 ms - findByFilter, type=EnvironmentVariableValue [cnt=6,med=3ms,max=5ms]
|    |    |    2 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=1 type=EnvironmentType [cnt=1,med=2ms,max=2ms]
|    |    3 ms - EJB Calls, Method=EnvironmentServicesCore.lookupVariable [cnt=6,med=0ms,max=2ms]
|    |    2 ms - EJB Calls, Method=ClientServicesCore.getServerTime [cnt=17,med=0ms,max=1ms]
|    |    0 ms - EJB Calls, Method=SecurityCore.getUserInformation [cnt=1,med=0ms,max=0ms]
|    |    |    0 ms - Transaction [cnt=1,med=0ms,max=0ms]
|    |    0 ms - Lookups, Cache=UserInfoCache [cnt=1,med=0ms,max=0ms]
|    3258 ms - Do Job, Worker=com.lombardisoftware.component.exitpoint.worker.ExitPointWorker [cnt=35,med=103ms,max=269ms]
|    |    2961 ms - EJB Calls, Method=PersistenceServicesCore.findByPrimaryKey [cnt=572,med=4ms,max=67ms]
|    |    |    1369 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=060e0e85-fb36-42d5-aa4a-ea3bcde680be type=Snapshot [cnt=130,med=10ms,max=22ms]
|    |    |    1235 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=2276 type=BPDInstance [cnt=364,med=3ms,max=14ms]
|    |    |    187 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=17098 type=Task [cnt=52,med=3ms,max=10ms]
|    |    |    152 ms - findByPrimaryKey, dbId=54590053-611e-404e-a0c1-bf285d9b6ccb type=Project [cnt=26,med=3ms,max=67ms]
|    |    |    18 ms - #self# [cnt=18,med=1ms,max=1ms]
|    |    297 ms - #self# [cnt=173,med=1ms,max=98ms]
|    1482 ms - Save Execution Context [cnt=19,med=77ms,max=128ms]

All periods in the tree are grouped and sorted by its summary time. In square brackets presented statistical info [cnt = number of recorded periods, med = median time, max = maximum time]. And #self# periods are used to show time spent in parent transactions itself.

Analyzing it, we can make the following conclusions: